What is bravoGrowth
What is bravoGROWTH
bravoGROWTH is a personal reflection tool for employers to explore their employee's true motivation and drive.
Our approach is based on RIASEC and MBTI tests combined with our advanced matching software – by analyzing the results, your company can make the right choice in employee training and development.
By using bravoGROWTH, your business can now determine your employees' strengths to explore employee qualifications and motivational drive.
bravoTALENTS is a recruitment tool that gives you a more efficient recruitment process by profiling interests, skills and values.
How we work
How do we solve
your problems?
How we solve the problem
Understanding your employee
Understanding your employees and how to unleash their potentials is the first step to optimize the workspace.
Understanding your employee
Find strengths to grow
Our platform offers the best user experience and our team will provide you as the team leader or employer with analyzed data of your employees to suggest areas with space of improvement.
Find strengths to grow
Planning suitable training courses
Find the exact data you need from your employees to understand their needs and the drives to motivate them. Optimize employee satisfaction to increase productivity.
Planning suitable training courses
Coaching with insights
By finishing the RIASEC and MBTI tests, you can understand more about your employees’ motivation and drive, such as how to improve their productivity and ideal positions. This way, you can both analyze the problems and solve them at the same time.
Coaching with insights
Unlimited possibility when growing by analyzing your strengths approach
We have multiple plans for all your business needs. Check out our pricing below/pricing page for more information.
bravo talent
Understand. Reskill. Upskill