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It can be tough to keep your employees motivated and engaged in their work. A good way to make it happen is by providing employee rewards and recognition. However, many employers may not be sure how to go about implementing a rewards and recognition system in their workplaces effectively. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know.  

What Are Employee Rewards & Recognition?  

Simply put, employee rewards and recognition are programs designed to incentivize employees and recognize them for their efforts in contributing to the success of an organization. Rewards can be in the form of monetary bonuses, paid time off, additional benefits, or other perks that show appreciation for a job well done. Recognition, on the other hand, can be something as simple as a verbal thank you or a written note of appreciation.  

Usually, rewards and recognition go together as part of a larger strategy to engage and motivate employees. By showing your staff that their hard work is noticed and appreciated, they’ll be more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and motivated to continue performing at a high level. In some situations, the rewards and recognition will be considered as a part of the flexible benefits plan, which will be more attractive for new talent to join a company. A study indicates that 88% of employees acknowledge employers should reward their staff for great work.  

Types of Rewards & Recognition for Employees  

There are many different types of rewards and recognition that can be used to show appreciation for employees. Some common examples include:  

  • Monetary Bonuses: A monetary bonus is a direct way to show an employee that their hard work has paid off. This type of reward can be given out periodically or as a one-time bonus and can be given in addition to an employee’s regular salary.  
  • Paid Time Off: Another way to show appreciation is by giving employees paid time off. This can be in the form of extra vacation days, personal days, or even half-days. This type of reward allows employees to enjoy some well-deserved time away from work and can be a great way to show that you value their work-life balance.  
  • Additional Benefits: Another popular type of employee reward is providing additional benefits, such as health insurance, gym memberships, or transportation allowances. This type of rewards is a great way to show that you are invested in your employees’ well-being and want to help them lead a healthy and productive life.  
  • Other Perks: There are endless possibilities when it comes to other types of rewards and perks that can be given to employees. Some popular examples include gift cards, movie tickets, dinners out, or even tickets to a sporting event. These types of rewards are a great way to show your appreciation in a more personal way.  

Why Are Employee Rewards & Recognition Worth Your Attention?  

There are several benefits that come along when implementing employee rewards and recognition programs in the workplace. Here is what you can gain if you implement employee rewards and recognition properly:  

Improve Employee Engagement & Job Satisfaction  

When employees feel appreciated for their work, they’re more likely to be engaged in their jobs and satisfied with their overall career. This leads to a number of tangible benefits for businesses, including increased productivity, higher quality work, higher employee engagement, and lower turnover.  

Enhance Company Culture  

Awards and recognition can also help to build positive company culture by reinforcing the values that are important to your organization. For example, if you give out an award for “Excellence in Customer Service,” you’re not only showing your appreciation for great customer service, but you’re also reinforcing the importance of that value to your company.  

Greater Motivation & Productivity  

44% of employees switch jobs when they do not get adequate recognition for their efforts and contributions. Employees who feel appreciated are also more likely to be motivated in their work. When employees are motivated, they’re more likely to be productive, which leads to tangible benefits for businesses, such as increased sales, higher profits, and improved efficiency.  

Improve Employee Retention  

According to a report by Business Solver, 93% of employees who feel appreciated are also more likely to stay with their current employer. This is beneficial for businesses because it saves on the costs of recruiting and training new employees.  

How to Implement an Effective Employee Rewards & Recognition Program  

Now that you know the benefits of employee rewards and recognition, it’s time to learn how to implement an effective program in your workplace. Here are five tips:  

Define Your Goals  

Before you can create an effective program of employee rewards and recognition, you need to first define your goals. What do you expect to achieve with your program? Do you want to improve employee engagement? Boost morale? Encourage productivity? Once you’ve defined your goals, you can build a program that’s tailored to achieve those specific objectives.  

Get Input from Your Employees  

Employee rewards and recognition should be more insightful and thoughtful, so it is essential to get input from your employees. At the end, they’re the ones who are participating in the program. Ask your employees what type of rewards and recognition they would find most motivating. Would they prefer monetary bonuses? Paid time off? Additional benefits? Something else entirely? Doing this will help to ensure that your program is successful in engaging and motivating them.  

Make It Easy to Give & Receive Feedback  

Your employee rewards and recognition program won’t be effective if it’s difficult for employees to give or receive feedback. Feedback is essential for two reasons: First, it helps you to identify which employees are excelling and deserving of recognition. Second, it provides employees with the feedback they need to improve their performance. To ensure your program is effective, make sure it’s easy for employees to give and receive feedback. This can be done through an employee management system or an online portal, for example.  

Use a Variety of Recognition Methods  

There are countless ways to recognize employees for their hard work and achievements. And using a variety of methods will help to ensure that your program is effective in engaging and motivating employees. Some of the most popular methods include awards, bonuses, and paid time off. But there are many other options, such as public recognition, gift cards, and special perks. Think of which methods would work best for your organization and make sure to use a mix of them to recognize employees.  

Evaluate & Adjust Your Program Regularly  

Finally, it’s important to evaluate your employee rewards and recognition program on a regular basis and make adjustments as needed. This will help you to ensure that your program is achieving its desired objectives and that employees are finding it engaging and motivating.  

To evaluate your program, you can survey your employees on a regular basis and ask for their feedback. This will give you valuable insights into how well your program is working and what changes need to be made. You can leverage the all-in-one tools such as bravoSURVEYS to create surveys with ease to gather opinions about your employee rewards and recognition programs efficiently.  


Employee rewards and recognition can have a profound impact on your workplace. When done correctly, it can lead to several advantages, such as increased employee engagement, productivity, and morale. It can also save you a lot of money and resources by reducing turnover and the costs of recruiting and training new employees. We expect this guide has helped you to better understand employee rewards and recognition and how you can use them to improve your workplace. Now, it’s your turn to put what you’ve learned into action and create a program that works for your organization.  

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Trung Tran
Technical/Content Writer
Trung is a writer who loves researching and blogging about all HR-specific topics and the latest.
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